Hello Furs! Sorry I haven't posted in a million years. Mommy has been busy with homework. But at least I sneaked on her computer. OK this is me when I was maybe 5 months or so? But I am snuggling with America's favorite cartoon. SPONGE BOB! At Mommy's school people say there married to him. Firstly I don't get it because he's on the TV! And there in the real world? So they need to get a life!!!!!
OK, this is me before I was taken home with Mommy. I was on the Internet fur sell. This is the picture they used. They used me as an advertisement. I am so famous! (In your face Petal!!!! OK fur those of you who don't know Petal, she is my older sister. She thinks she is so awesome like if a piece of dirt falls on her paws she'll squeak. In doggy world that's her real name. My real name is Sunny. Good thing Mommy did that, she was close to naming me Zoey. Do I look like a Zoey???)
This is my Mommy. Her name is Diamond. She is so fun. I miss her alot :(
But I do like my new Mommy. My Mommy(Diamond) is from India. That's why she wears a brett there. I like it.
This is me and my older sister. Guess which fur am I? If you guessed the one that's looking away from the camera that's me! See I told you I don't like the camera. I said it like in every post. See, I was born with it. Petal wants to be a star so she actually looks at the camera. I told her that no matter how many times you look at the camera you will have no cute boy dogs liking you. Petal made a weird face at me and she told our mommy.
Malti Poo Paws
wow, thanks for sharing! now i get to know you better, and you doesn like to take photos XD
best regards
Do they put the fur on woo after woo khome out?
Tank woo fur sharing!
Well since I was very young I dont remember. Maybe I bought it.
So adorable, thanks for sharing. =)
You have your "newly born" picture? Lucky you.
You're too cute from the time you were born until now!
Wanna see my town in Spring?
Sure Mango
Those last puppy pics are just to die for. Zoey is nice but you are definitely a Sunny.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Awwww! Those are some cute pics! Thanks for sharing about your memories! Hugs,
Dear Sunny, gess what?! What! HI! It's us! Your friendz LuLu and LoLLy! well gess what we have been egstremely busy due to the Humans going out of town and us getting to go to Dog Camp at the GrandHumans and also then we have bin werking very very very hard on our doggy bloggy roll and now we have finished it and of course you are in there with your truly outstsanding pikture, namely when you were a puppy, we thought this pikture was so very truly Two Paws UP! that we had to use it!
And also we have not forgottin about our truly outstanding interview with you but becuz of the Humans leaving and stuff and then werking on the bloggy roll and being dogs and all we are not always the fastest bunches of Malteses. But we evenchewly get everything done!
Two Paws Up! for Sunny's truly awesome piktures, Love, LuLu and LoLLy! http://www.luluandlolly.com
Oh ps! We looked a lot like you when we were little tiny shrinmps!
WOW! Thanks Lulu and Lolly! I will talk about you too!
awwwwwwwwwwww..luv this post. visit me again..we are back
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