Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hi everyone!
This is so terrible.
Before my mommy bought me she was in Sarasota,Florida.
Which has warm beaches.
Forget the beaches!
The last time my mommy was there.
She ate at a sea food resteraunt.
She went with some other people in her family to.
But when they were finished with there meal.
They went to go to a purse store.
It was very small.
But she could not take her eye off of something.
The owner brought his Maltese to the store.
His name was Sushi.
He was so adorable.
So when mommy went back to her house.
One of her relitives told her
Signs were up everywhere.
This was so sad to mommy.
Please be a look out everywhere.
Once there was this maltese and he was lost for months.
He lived in Florida.
And they found him up in Illinoise.
Oh and this is not Sushi's Picture.
This picture looks like him.

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